Web Development Projects

Input Focus Selector

A tool for user interface optimization. It allows you to specify which fields should focus "on page load" in different scenarios.

Credit Card Number Spacer

a Javascript tool that spaces credit card numbers without gaff using advanced regex and js development

Parker and Associates

A basic design for an Environmental, Health & Safety firm based in Louisiana. Built in 2013 with basic PHP scripts and LESS CSS now compiled. Scraped from the wayback machine and republished here.

Acupuncture Wellness Center

This project was done while working with Redstick Internet Services. LME was responsible for coding the HTML & CSS for projects at Redstick. This site uses straight CSS in an “Atomic” format.

Decratum Debate Publications

A simple design for a small digital publisher. Simple PHP scripts handled a dynamic website with a contact form. Later publications used this image of Mt Roraima. This is also re-published for this portfolio

Foxtale Productions

A dynamic PHP website built for Foxtale Productions, a video production agency. The framework was hand built with a MySQL database. This is a responsive, mobile-first website. The design approach was to best showcase the agencies work with a minimal, distraction free design. This is a static copy re-published for this portfolio

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